It was a pleasure to meet all the friends of the Angel of Goliad at the statue. Thank you for your visit. We had visitors from California, Virginia, Mexico, Ukraine, and all over Texas.

GilbertAlvarez, Elizabeth Ann Alvarez Lorenzini, Theodore and Ed Lorenzini

Carrying the wreath this year were Debra Walker and Marsela Vasquez. Joey Hernandez’s cousins.

Devin Brandalick (dressed as a Red Rover) is a descendant of John N Seaton who died at the massacre. The following marker is located at the train station in Courtland, Alabama.

Devin’s ancestor is in the third column. I also visited Dr. Schackleford’s house where he died.

On the way to Fannin’s monument with the wreath. Scott McMahon (far right) Director of Presidio La Bahia. The fort is owned by the Victoria Catholic Diocese.

On the way to one of the sites of the massacre.

Wrapping up the Angel of Goliad ceremony with Gilbert Alvarez. Please come visit us next year.